Become a Member
Do you want to be part of a group of professional emergency managers working to keep Alabama safe?
If you are an emergency management professional looking to expand your network by connecting with colleagues, seeking information, or looking to increase your knowledge in the field of emergency management, then consider becoming a member of the AAEM today.
Benefits of Membership
Why should you join the Alabama Association of Emergency Managers?
Membership is open to:
Anyone involved in emergency preparedness or response activities
Individuals with local, county, state, and federal government agencies
Business and industry, and
Volunteer organizations
AAEM members are leaders and professionals in the field of emergency management. You will be part of an organization dedicated to improving public safety before, during, and after emergencies. Together, we seek to find new and improved methods to reduce loss of life and property damage during disasters.
The AAEM Board of Directors seek to address emergency management concerns and issues on behalf of membership at the local, state, and federal levels.
Training and Certification
AAEM offers conferences, workshops, and other training and networking opportunities throughout the year in addition to a very high-quality certification program for emergency management professionals.
AAEM provides a scholarship program for those with the desire, determination, and the spirit to pursue a Bachelor's or Master's degree in emergency management or a closely related field. A committee of Past Presidents determines the qualifications for each applicant, to include whether the curriculum falls within the scope of the intended programs of the scholarship.
For information on applying for a scholarship from AAEM, please email
Membership Types
Individual Membership
Individual members must work in the public sector (government). Only individual members have voting rights in the Association. From the bylaws:
Individual membership is defined as an individual professionally engaged in directing, planning, administrating, or coordinating the activities of Emergency Management for the federal or state government, or a county, city, or township government in the State of Alabama. The membership belongs to the member jurisdiction or entity paying the dues. If the individual representing that jurisdiction or entity leaves, the membership may be transferred to another individual who works in the emergency management program. Individual members have full voting rights, may run for office, may chair or work on any committee as assigned, and have full rights of membership in the Association.
Associate Membership
Associate membership is available to anyone not falling into another category, and is intended for those who want to be involved in emergency management issues but who do not work in emergency management full-time.
Associate membership is defined as any elected official, or emergency service or support personnel at both the local and state levels and any other person who believes and supports the Association's purpose and who is not eligible for membership in any other classification. Other than the one (1) duly elected At-Large Member for Area 9, Associate members shall not be entitled to vote, hold office in the Association or chair a standing committee. Provided however that associate members and corporate members will be entitled to vote for the At-Large Area 9 representative during the annual officer elections. Associate members may serve on standing committees, special committees and caucuses. The membership belongs to the member jurisdiction or the entity paying the dues. If the individual representing that jurisdiction or entity leaves, the membership may be transferred to another person.
Corporate Membership
Corporate membership is available for those organizations in the private sector with an interest in supporting emergency management.
Corporate membership is defined as any businesses and industries, political entities and other groups and organizations that are interested in the advancement and professionalism of emergency management and the purpose of the Association. Other than the one (1) duly elected At-Large Member for Area 9, corporate members shall not be entitled to vote, hold office in the Association or chair a standing committee. Provided however that associate members and corporate members will vote for the At-Large Area 9 representative during the annual officer elections. Corporate members may serve on standing committees, special committees and caucuses. The membership belongs to the member jurisdiction or the entity paying the dues. If the individual representing that jurisdiction or entity leaves, the membership may be transferred to another person.
Student Membership
Student membership is a great way for those working toward an emergency management or related degree to get involved and network with other professionals.
Student membership is available to any individual attending school in an emergency management or related program. Student members shall not be entitled to vote, hold office in the Association, or chair a standing committee. Student members may serve on standing committees, special committees and caucuses.
Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be awarded annually by a majority vote of the Board of Directors to persons or any business entity for outstanding contributions towards the advancement of emergency management. Honorary members or their representatives shall not be entitled to vote, hold office in the Association or chair a standing committee.
Life Membership
Life membership shall be accorded to any individual member who has been a member in good standing for ten (10) or more consecutive years and is no longer employed or associated with a political subdivision or organization that would make them eligible for a paid individual membership. Life membership shall also be accorded to any past president of the Association who has completed their term and is no longer employed or associated with a political subdivision or organization that would make them eligible for a paid individual membership. Life members have full voting rights and may work on committees. Life members may not hold office.
Download Membership Form
Three membership forms are available:
Form for Government and Public Sector Personnel
Form for Non-Governmental Personnel (including students)
Form for Corporate Members
Government & Public Sector
Government and public employees are eligible for either Individual (voting) or Associate (non-voting) membership.
Government and public sector Membership
Full-time emergency managers working in the public sector, such as those employed by state and local government and in public education, are eligible for membership in two categories:
Individual Member (full voting rights) - $50
Associate Member (non-voting) - $25
Non-Government Membership
None Government members are eligible for non-voting membership for Associate or Student memberships.
Non-Government Membership
Any individual supportive of the Association’s mission and is not eligible for membership in any other classification. Non-government individuals are eligible for membership in two categories :
Associate Member (non-voting) - $25
Student (non-voting) - $25
*Please Note: Student membership is available to those who are enrolled full-time in an emergency management program.
Corporate Membership
Private sector organizations are eligible for non-voting membership at a rate that varies based on the number of employees.
Corporate Membership
Corporate members engaged in or supporting the work of emergency managers are welcome to join the association on a non-voting basis. Click the link below for more information.
Companies with 300+ employees - $100 per employee
Companies with fewer than 300 employees - $50 per employee