
Certification holders are required to recertify every five years in order to maintain their designation. The recertification period for an applicant closes December 31 of the fifth year after their last certification (ex: if you received your MLEM in 2020, then you are due to renew by the end of 2025).

To Recertify, applicants must review the most recent edition of the Certification Program Rules to identify any changes in curriculum or rules that may affect their recertification process. A minimum of 50 hours (average) per year, or 250 hours total for five years, of core continuing education must be completed. Only training completed after the date of initial certification or last recertification will be considered with certain exceptions (see rules). Courses must be EM-related or contribute to the EM profession (think core, not optional, training).

a. Completion of any “required core” classes added after the original awarding of your last certification must be completed.

b. Classes updated since your last certification can count towards recertification hours, although they are not required to be retaken.

• Example: IS-5.a was last updated in 2013. If, in the future, FEMA updates it to IS-5.b, anyone who has not taken the updated version can complete it for credit on their next recertification.

• If a course has been updated multiple times within your current certification period, only the latest edition of the course will be considered for recertification credit.

c. ICS 300 & 400 classes were updated in 2019. FEMA’s EMI requires students to take these updated courses to attend many of their classes. Therefore, all certificate holders are required to take the updated version of these two courses for their next recertification. A one-year grace period will be afforded to all 2024 recertifications (those required to recert in 2024 and have not yet completed the updated 300 & 400 courses have an extension to 2025 to complete them and recert).

d. A list of these changes can be found here.

To begin the recertification process, and after reviewing the most recent rules, applicant should utilize their workbooks to maintain a record of completed courses.

Once you have your workbook updated and your supporting documents ready for uploading, use this link to go to the recertification renewal form through Smartsheet. Ensure you follow the instructions on how you should upload your supporting documents, otherwise you run the risk of your application being returned.